1![Software development / Computing / Debugging / Aspect-oriented software development / Aspect-oriented programming / Delta debugging / Extreme programming / Software testing / Debugger / Software bug / AspectJ / Spring Framework Software development / Computing / Debugging / Aspect-oriented software development / Aspect-oriented programming / Delta debugging / Extreme programming / Software testing / Debugger / Software bug / AspectJ / Spring Framework](/pdf-icon.png) | Add to Reading ListSource URL: zhang-sai.github.ioLanguage: English - Date: 2015-05-05 00:58:34
2![Software development / Aspect-oriented software development / Computing / Software engineering / Aspect-oriented programming / AspectJ / Pointcut / Join point / Cross-cutting concern / Subject-oriented programming / Aspect / Call graph Software development / Aspect-oriented software development / Computing / Software engineering / Aspect-oriented programming / AspectJ / Pointcut / Join point / Cross-cutting concern / Subject-oriented programming / Aspect / Call graph](/pdf-icon.png) | Add to Reading ListSource URL: zhang-sai.github.ioLanguage: English - Date: 2015-05-05 00:58:34
3![](/pdf-icon.png) | Add to Reading ListSource URL: wirelesslab.sjtu.edu.cnLanguage: English - Date: 2017-12-01 00:35:31
4![Software development / Aspect-oriented software development / Aspect-oriented programming / AspectJ / Pointcut / Join point / Data-flow analysis / Aspect weaver Software development / Aspect-oriented software development / Aspect-oriented programming / AspectJ / Pointcut / Join point / Data-flow analysis / Aspect weaver](/pdf-icon.png) | Add to Reading ListSource URL: zhang-sai.github.ioLanguage: English - Date: 2015-05-05 00:58:34
5![Software development / Computing / Aspect-oriented software development / Software engineering / Aspect-oriented programming / AspectJ / Pointcut / FindBugs / Join point / Spring Framework / Cross-cutting concern / Software design pattern Software development / Computing / Aspect-oriented software development / Software engineering / Aspect-oriented programming / AspectJ / Pointcut / FindBugs / Join point / Spring Framework / Cross-cutting concern / Software design pattern](/pdf-icon.png) | Add to Reading ListSource URL: zhang-sai.github.ioLanguage: English - Date: 2015-05-05 00:58:34
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7![Software development / Aspect-oriented software development / Computing / Aspect-oriented programming / AspectJ / Pointcut / Join point / Aspect / Change impact analysis / Compiler Software development / Aspect-oriented software development / Computing / Aspect-oriented programming / AspectJ / Pointcut / Join point / Aspect / Change impact analysis / Compiler](/pdf-icon.png) | Add to Reading ListSource URL: zhang-sai.github.ioLanguage: English - Date: 2015-05-05 00:58:35
8![Software development / Aspect-oriented software development / Aspect-oriented programming / Computing / AspectJ / Pointcut / Join point / FindBugs / Aspect / Aspect weaver Software development / Aspect-oriented software development / Aspect-oriented programming / Computing / AspectJ / Pointcut / Join point / FindBugs / Aspect / Aspect weaver](/pdf-icon.png) | Add to Reading ListSource URL: zhang-sai.github.ioLanguage: English - Date: 2015-05-05 00:58:35
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10![](/pdf-icon.png) | Add to Reading ListSource URL: dayabay.ihep.ac.cnLanguage: English - Date: 2011-10-23 23:41:05