Bundle theory

Results: 439


Week 5 (due FebLet E be a real vector bundle of rank r with a connection ∇. Let ω be the corresponding connection 1-form defined on some trivializing neighborhood U . As explained in class, ∇ enables us to

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Source URL: www.theory.caltech.edu

Language: English - Date: 2009-02-05 13:39:31

    Week 6 (due FebProblem 6.8 in Morita. 2. Consider a unit sphere S 2 in R3 . The tangent bundle to R3 is trivial and one can define a connection on it by letting ∇

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    Source URL: www.theory.caltech.edu

    Language: English - Date: 2009-02-12 15:45:18

      Week 1 (due AprilAs was explained during the winter quarter, to any line bundle (complex vector bundle of rank one) on a manifold M one can associate its first Chern class which takes values in H 2 (M, Z), and two

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      Source URL: www.theory.caltech.edu

      Language: English - Date: 2009-04-01 22:32:01

        414 BOOK REVIEWS Lie groups, bundle theory and sheaves, but also is experienced enough to be able, for example, to figure out what kind of induced map is denoted by an

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        Source URL: www.ams.org

        - Date: 2010-01-14 12:46:08
          5Algebra / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Group theory / Divisor / Morphism of schemes / Vector bundle / Sheaf / Order / Algebraic geometry / Isomorphism theorem

          CANONICAL SUBGROUPS VIA BREUIL-KISIN MODULES SHIN HATTORI Abstract. Let p > 2 be a rational prime and K/Qp be an extension of complete discrete valuation fields. Let G be a truncated BarsottiTate group of level n, heigh

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          Source URL: www2.math.kyushu-u.ac.jp

          Language: English
          6Algebra / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Algebraic geometry / Coherent sheaf / Equivariant K-theory / K-theory / Toric variety / Equivariant sheaf / Cohomology / Vector bundle / Sheaf

          357 Documenta Math. Operational K -Theory Dave Anderson and Sam Payne

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          Source URL: www.math.uiuc.edu

          Language: English - Date: 2015-05-08 10:21:24
          7Abstract algebra / Algebra / Mathematics / Algebraic geometry / Algebraic varieties / Model theory / Vector bundles / Matroid theory / Pregeometry / Ample line bundle / Morphism of algebraic varieties / Dimension theory

          ANALYTIC ZARISKI STRUCTURES AND NON-ELEMENTARY CATEGORICITY BORIS ZILBER Abstract. We study analytic Zariski structures from the point of view of non-elementary model theory. We show how to associate an abstract elementa

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          Source URL: people.maths.ox.ac.uk

          Language: English - Date: 2016-01-12 10:43:42
          8Algebra / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Ring theory / Ring / Polynomial ring / Frobenius endomorphism / Jet bundle / F-algebra / Witt vector / Inverse limit / Integral element

          971 Documenta Math. p-Jets

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          Source URL: documenta.sagemath.org

          Language: English - Date: 2013-08-07 16:11:31
          9Topology / Mathematics / Abstract algebra / Homotopy theory / Algebraic topology / Simplicial set / Simplicial map / Nerve / Equivariant cohomology / Simplicial complex / Fundamental group / Universal bundle

          459 Documenta Math. K-Theory and the Enriched Tits Building To A. A. Suslin with admiration, on his sixtieth birthday.

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          Source URL: www.math.uiuc.edu

          Language: English - Date: 2010-06-21 16:08:30
          10Mathematics / Topology / Mathematical analysis / Differential geometry / Connection / Operator theory / Equivariant sheaf / ChernWeil homomorphism / Cohomology / Lefschetz fixed-point theorem / Vector bundle / Contraction

          1049 Documenta Math. A Lefschetz Fixed Point Formula for Singular Arithmetic Schemes

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          Source URL: documenta.sagemath.org

          Language: English - Date: 2010-12-30 05:23:37