
Results: 144

1Algebra / Coding theory / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Finite fields / Linear code / Cyclic code / Generating function / Goppa code / Rank / Generator matrix / Krull dimension

arXiv:1810.07630v2 [cs.IT] 18 OctProperties of Constacyclic Codes Under the Schur Product Brett Hemenway Falk∗

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Language: English - Date: 2018-10-18 20:17:09
2Algebra / Mathematics / Group theory / Geometric group theory / Topological groups / Functional analysis / Amenable group / Matrix / Kazhdan's property / Cayley graph / Convolution / Group cohomology

The Schur algebra is not spectral in B(`2). Romain Tessera∗ July 31, 2009 Abstract We give an example of an infinite matrix whose rows and columns

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Language: English - Date: 2009-07-31 17:47:00
3Mathematical analysis / Mathematics / Functional analysis / Operator theory / Algebra / Mathematical notation / Operator / Matrix / Pseudo-differential operator / Bounded operator / Banach algebra / Mutation

Left inverses of matrices with polynomial decay. Romain Tessera∗ July 21, 2010 Abstract It is known that the algebra of Schur operators on `2 (namely operators

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Language: English - Date: 2010-07-21 23:28:46

THE SCHUR–ZASSENHAUS THEOREM KEITH CONRAD When N is a normal subgroup of G, can we reconstruct G from N and G/N ? In general, no. For instance, the groups Z/(p2 ) and Z/(p) × Z/(p) (for prime p) are nonisomorphic, but

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Language: English - Date: 2016-12-17 14:23:25

    George Csordas and Tamas Forgacs* (). On multiplier sequences of the second kind. Preliminary report. In their 1914 paper P´olya and Schur introduced and completely characterized mu

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    - Date: 2013-09-19 00:46:05

      On generalizations of partition theorems of Schur and Andrews to overpartitions Jehanne Dousse September 26, 2013 Abstract In this paper we give three new proofs of Schur’s theorem for overpartitions using recurrences

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      Language: English - Date: 2015-12-08 05:22:56

        A HANDLE ON ACCESSIBILITY Designing for a Future of Limited Mobility Michael Schur, AIA LEED AP Joshua Bergman

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        Language: English

          A GENERALISATION OF A PARTITION THEOREM OF ANDREWS JEHANNE DOUSSE Abstract. In 1969, Andrews [3] proved a theorem on partitions with difference conditions which generalises Schur’s celebrated partition identity. In thi

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          Language: English - Date: 2015-12-08 05:22:39

            365 Documenta Math. Schur Class Operator Functions and Automorphisms of Hardy Algebras

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            - Date: 2008-08-03 09:00:22

              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 7, 2016 CONTACTS: Paul Schur, Sarah Morgan,

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              - Date: 2016-03-17 11:29:57