Results: 32

21Electronics / Video editing software / Information science / Assistive technology / Subtitling / Sonic Scenarist / DVD Studio Pro / Windows Media Video / Subtitle / DVD / Computing / High-definition television


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Language: English - Date: 2012-02-06 20:37:33
22VITAC / Technology / Email / Fax

CREDIT APPLICATION VITAC CORPORATION CREDIT APPLICATION Return via Fax to: Sue Hunt at[removed]or email [removed] Name of Firm: ________________________________________________________________________

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Language: English - Date: 2012-08-31 11:23:19
23High-definition television / Video signal / Assistive technology / Subtitling / Encodings / Closed captioning / DV / Betacam / XDCAM / Video / Television / Terminology

VIDEO SPECIFICATIONS PROXY If we’re creating a caption file only, send a low-resolution proxy on a DVD, via FTP, or upload here. Our preferred proxy specifications: MPG

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Language: English - Date: 2010-01-06 23:27:57
24Deafness / Closed captioning / High-definition television / VITAC / Technology / Timecode / Disability / Design / Subtitling / Assistive technology / Transcription

Is your live programming distributed via Internet Protocol (IP) after air? VITAC now offers two solutions for near-instant web-ready files to match your video. Will your IP-delivered video match the captioned broadcast e

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Language: English - Date: 2012-10-18 13:57:06
25Transcription / Subtitling / Linguistics / Input/output / Closed captioning / Language / Words per minute / VITAC / Reading / Assistive technology / Deafness / Accessibility

Presentation Speed and Vocabulary in Closed Captioned Television C a r l Jensema, Ph.D. and Ralph McCann Institute for Disabilities Research and Training, Inc.

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Language: English - Date: 2008-09-17 17:20:07
26Deafness / Language / Subtitling / Closed captioning / High-definition television / VITAC / Technology / National Captioning Institute / Infomercial / Transcription / Assistive technology / Television

Closed Captioning Guidelines The following document, created by the ERA TV Council, outlines the FCC’s closed captioning rules as they pertain to direct response advertisers. Please note that there are additional requi

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Language: English - Date: 2010-12-14 14:11:23
27Otology / Closed captioning / High-definition television / Subtitling / Audiology / Disability / Deaf culture / VITAC / Gallaudet University / Deafness / Assistive technology / Transcription

Final Report CFDA 84.026R Award H026R70003-97 A Study of the Eye Movement Strategies

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Language: English - Date: 2008-09-18 11:37:50
28Deafness / Closed captioning / High-definition television / Technology / Disability / Television / Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission / Descriptive Video Service / VITAC / Assistive technology / Transcription / Subtitling

Monitor 2 Phase 1 of 2 A Report on the Quantity of Accessible Content in Canadian Broadcasting in 2010 Prepared for:

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Language: English - Date: 2011-08-17 09:06:25
29Design / Deafness / Subtitling / Disability / Closed captioning / High-definition television / Described and Captioned Media Program / VITAC / Assistive technology / Accessibility / Transcription

ARL Accessibility and Universal Design Working Group Campus captioning and transcription solutions Introduction For audio-visual materials, captions are essential to viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing, but, often li

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Language: English - Date: 2014-06-03 09:40:01
30Transcription / Closed captioning / High-definition television / Television / Technology / Electronic engineering / Multichannel video programming distributor / XOrbit / VITAC / Assistive technology / Deafness / Subtitling

Microsoft Word - NAB IP Closed Captioning Comments (final)

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Language: English - Date: 2012-03-12 12:01:14