
Results: 12


Ficha 1 - Boletim da Casa da Achada - Centro Mário Dionísio

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- Date: 2013-02-18 21:04:52

    ficha BOLETIM DA CASA DA ACHADA-CENTRO MÁRIO DIONÍSIO MARIA LETÍCIA, COMPANHEIRA Sem a memória (rigorosa e crítica) e o trabalho de Maria Letícia, que começou a organização e catalogação do espóli

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    - Date: 2013-02-18 21:05:25

      ficha BOLETIM DA CASA DA ACHADA-CENTRO MÁRIO DIONÍSIO Aqui se aficha notícia da exposição de desenhos de Mário

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      - Date: 2013-02-19 02:23:14
        4Municipalities of Cape Verde / Achada Furna / Chã das Caldeiras / Mosteiros /  Cape Verde / Bangaeira / Achada / Fonsaco / Furna / Brava /  Cape Verde / Geography of Cape Verde / Fogo /  Cape Verde / Geography of Africa

        Cabo Verde: Fogo Volcano Emergency Situation Report No. 11 (as of 11 December[removed]This report is jointly produced by OCHA and the UN Office in Cape Verde in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It covers the perio

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        Language: English - Date: 2014-12-11 14:58:57
        5Africa / Municipalities of Cape Verde / Pico do Fogo / Stratovolcanoes / Chã das Caldeiras / Mosteiros /  Cape Verde / Achada Furna / Fonsaco / Brava /  Cape Verde / Fogo /  Cape Verde / Geography of Cape Verde / Geography of Africa

        Assessment Report Volcano Eruption Republic of Cabo Verde

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        Language: English - Date: 2014-12-24 16:11:34
        6Municipalities of Cape Verde / Achada Furna / Mosteiros /  Cape Verde / Achada / Fonsaco / Furna / Chã das Caldeiras / Bangaeira / Achada Grande / Geography of Cape Verde / Fogo /  Cape Verde / Geography of Africa

        Cabo Verde: Fogo Volcano Emergency Situation Report No. 12 (as of 23 December[removed]This report is produced by the UN in Cape Verde in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It covers the period from 15 to 23 Dec embe

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        Language: English - Date: 2014-12-24 16:01:31
        7Africa / Municipalities of Cape Verde / Achada Furna / Mosteiros /  Cape Verde / Chã das Caldeiras / Achada / Furna / Brava /  Cape Verde / Bangaeira / Geography of Africa / Geography of Cape Verde / Fogo /  Cape Verde

        Cabo Verde: Fogo Volcano Emergency Situation Report No. 10 (as of 9 December[removed]This report is jointly produced by OCHA and the UN Office in Cape Verde in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It covers the period

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        Language: English - Date: 2014-12-09 16:10:48
        8Municipalities of Cape Verde / Africa / Achada Furna / Achada / Mosteiros /  Cape Verde / Furna / Brava /  Cape Verde / Chã das Caldeiras / Cape Verde / Geography of Africa / Geography of Cape Verde / Fogo /  Cape Verde

        Cabo Verde: Fogo Volcano Emergency Situation Report No. 9 (as of 7 Dec[removed]This report is jointly produced by OCHA and the UN Office in Cape Verde in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It covers the period from

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        Language: English - Date: 2014-12-08 10:10:20
        9Geography of Africa / Mosteiros /  Cape Verde / Fonsaco / Bangaeira / Achada / Brava /  Cape Verde / Emergency management / International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement / Chã das Caldeiras / Fogo /  Cape Verde / Geography of Cape Verde / Municipalities of Cape Verde

        Emergency Plan of Action operation update Cape Verde: Volcano (Fogo) DREF n° MDRCV002 GLIDE n° VO[removed]CPV

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        Language: English - Date: 2014-12-11 10:23:49
        10Procurement / Manufacturing / Purchasing / Systems engineering / Praia / First-price sealed-bid auction / Achada / Bidding / Business / Auctioneering / Auction theory

        Cape Verde Invitation for Bids Date: July 10th2012 Loan/Financing No: CAV-P2 Loan/Financing No: [removed]ICB No: ICB#PTDSD[removed]

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        Language: English