Grad–Shafranov equation

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ESAIM: PROCEEDINGS, October 2011, Vol. 32, pE. Cancès, N. Crouseilles, H. Guillard, B. Nkonga, and E. Sonnendrücker, Editors MAGNETIC EQUATIONS WITH FreeFem++: THE GRAD-SHAFRANOV EQUATION & THE CURRENT HOLE

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    2Magnetohydrodynamics / Chemical engineering / Grad–Shafranov equation / Plasma / Magnetic reconnection / Fluid dynamics / Distribution function / Shocks and discontinuities / Scientific equations named after people / Physics / Plasma physics / Space plasmas

    PHY580: Astrophysical Magnetohydrodynamics Spring 2007, TR 12:45 – 2:00 This is an advanced graduate course whose aim is to introduce the fundamentals of hydrodamics and magnetohydrodynamics relevant to astrophysics. T

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    Language: English - Date: 2007-01-25 22:29:04
    3Electromagnetism / Fusion reactors / Toroidal and poloidal / Spheromak / Pinch / Tokamak / Anglo-Saxon runes / Plasma / Grad–Shafranov equation / Physics / Plasma physics / Fusion power

    PUBLISHED VERSION Edge equilibrium code for tokamaks Xujing Li, Leonid E. Zakharov, and Vladimir V. Drozdov © 2013 UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other

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    Language: English - Date: 2014-01-29 11:40:19