
Results: 16

1Biology / Gaming / Game theory / Paper / Pictograms / Random selection / Rockpaperscissors / Intransitivity / Scissors / Interspecific competition / RPS / Antimicrobial

NEWS & VIEWS doi:nature14525 MIC RO B IO LO GY

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Language: English - Date: 2015-05-21 01:54:55
2Philosophy / Ethics / Utilitarianism / Paradoxes / Social choice theory / Mere addition paradox / Derek Parfit / Independence of irrelevant alternatives / Intransitivity / Analogy / Utility / Larry Temkin

Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 20, No. 2, Intransitivity 2003 and Future Generations 187

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Language: English - Date: 2007-06-24 16:35:33
3Slime mold / Physarum / Preference / Intransitivity / Commodity tick / 5L / Mycetozoa / Physarum polycephalum / Biology

Downloaded from on October 1, 2012 Irrational decision-making in an amoeboid organism: transitivity and context-dependent preferences Tanya Latty and Madeleine Beekman Proc. R. Soc. B pub

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Language: English - Date: 2012-10-01 15:27:12
4Mathematical analysis / Index numbers / Price index / Array data structure / Atiyah–Singer index theorem / Consumer price index / Intransitivity / Statistics / Price indices / Econometrics

M PRA Munich Personal RePEc Archive Notes on GEKS and RGEKS indices von der Lippe, Peter

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Language: English - Date: 2013-09-24 21:39:59
5Utility / Mathematics / Preference / Expected utility hypothesis / Probability / Statistics / Intransitivity / Microeconomics / Game theory / Decision theory

Decision Theory First Exam October 10,2002 I (40 points) Provide a brief answer for each of the following. 1. Suppose X = {a, b, c}. Consider the choice function with c({a, b}) = {a},c({a, c}) = {a}, c({b, c}) = {b}, and

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Language: English - Date: 2008-10-09 10:49:51
6Paradoxes / Politics / Voting paradox / Intransitivity / Voting systems / Marquis de Condorcet / Preference / Unanimity / Majority rule / Voting theory / Voting / Social choice theory

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Unanimity Overruled: Majority Voting and the Burden of History Clemens Puppe

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Language: English - Date: 2013-03-22 22:31:53
7Unergative verb / Accusative verb / Intransitive verb / Impersonal passive voice / Ergative verb / Transitivity / Subject / Ergative–absolutive language / Transitive verb / Linguistics / Grammar / Unaccusative verb

Unaccusativity Mismatches and Unaccusativity Diagnostics from Derivational Morphology Božena Cetnarowska University of Silesia 1. Introduction: The intransitivity split and unaccusativity

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Language: English - Date: 2002-07-16 11:40:37
8Consequentialism / Mere addition paradox / Commensurability / Utilitarianism / Intransitivity / Analytic philosophy / Philosophy / Ethics / Derek Parfit

PHIL. 6100: Seminar in Ethics Class Meets: TR 3:30 - 4:45, Hellems 177 Professors’ Email: Michael Huemer, [removed] Chris Heathwood, [removed] Web page:

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Language: English - Date: 2009-01-07 17:22:50
9Semantics / Predicate logic / Mereology / Model theory / Functions and mappings / Function / Interpretation / Predicate / Intransitivity / Mathematics / Mathematical logic / Logic

A Note on the Transitivity of Parthood Achille C. Varzi Department of Philosophy, Columbia University (New York) [Final version published in Applied Ontology 1:[removed]), 141–[removed]Abstract. That parthood is a transiti

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Language: English - Date: 2006-09-28 10:38:18
10Game theory / Preference / Philosophy / Intransitivity / Utility / Dutch book / Strategic dominance / Derek Parfit / Transitivity / Ethicists / Larry Temkin / Decision theory

Phil[removed]Notes #1: Obligations to Future People (Parfit) The Non-Identity Problem • 3 kinds of choices: 1. Same-person choices: in which the same people will exist regardless of how one acts. Most moral theory has di

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Language: English - Date: 2008-08-24 18:01:57