Klaus Töpfer

Results: 34


Der Rat der Agora Vorsitz und Geschäftsführung 1. Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Töpfer, Exekutivdirektor des Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) e. V. 2. Dr. Patrick Graichen, Direktor Agora Energiewende Bundes

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Source URL: www.agora-energiewende.de

Language: German

    Deutschlands Versorgungssicherheit mit Energie: Am Tropf Russlands? Unterstützung für die Ärmsten in der Welt Nachhaltigkeit als ökonomisches Prinzip – Klaus Töpfer bei RGS-Konferenz RGS-Doktorand promoviert mit B

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    Source URL: en.rwi-essen.de

    Language: German - Date: 2010-11-15 02:54:47

      Klaus Töpfer und Jürgen Trittin zum EU-Gipfel in dieser Woche: EU braucht ambitionierte und verbindliche Klimaziele zur Sicherung ihrer Zukunftsindustrien Berlin, 20. OktoberEine heute veröffentlichte Analyse

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      Source URL: europeanclimate.org

      - Date: 2015-01-12 06:16:08

        Chapter 33 The Potsdam Memorandum: a remarkable outcome of a most important conference Klaus Töpfer

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        Source URL: www.nobel-cause.de

        Language: English - Date: 2011-04-21 06:21:45
          5Klaus Töpfer / United Nations Environment Programme / Töpfer

          Invitation to join The Debate on 100% Renewable Energy: The new normal? When: Tuesday, 18th June 2.00 – 4.00 pm Where: Intersolar Europe Conference at the ICM – Internationales Congress Center München, Room 3 The ca

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          Source URL: worldfuturecouncil.org

          Language: English - Date: 2013-06-10 07:03:28
          6Soil governance / Soil / Sustainable development / Sustainable land management / Food security / Environmental governance / William Albrecht / Soil science / Environment / Earth

          Global Soil Week 2015: Soil. The Substance of Transformation. Chairman’s Conclusions Klaus Töpfer, Executive Director, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies 22 AprilTransformation is needed – transfor

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          Source URL: globalsoilweek.org

          Language: English - Date: 2015-04-22 09:37:37
          7Earth / Global Environment Outlook / Klaus Töpfer / Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / Global Environment Facility / Environmental emergency / United Nations Environment Organization / United Nations Environment Programme / United Nations / Environment

          IISD Vol. 16 N o. 2  

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          Source URL: www.iisd.ca

          Language: English - Date: 1999-05-19 22:45:19
          8Environmental governance / Environmental policy / Environmental social science / Environmentalism / United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative / Earth / Klaus Töpfer / United Nations Environment Organization / United Nations Environment Programme / Environment / Sustainability

          IISD Earth Negotiations Bulletin GMEF-3

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          Source URL: www.iisd.ca

          Language: English - Date: 2002-02-14 01:30:33
          9United Nations Development Group / United Nations Environment Programme / Sustainable development / Klaus Töpfer / Environment / United Nations / Sustainability

          Microsoft Word - opening_topfer_fin_corrected.doc

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          Source URL: www.fig.net

          Language: English
          10Klaus Töpfer / Sediment / Earth / Environment / Land management / Soil / Directorate-General for the Environment

          Dialogue Session 1.5 Soils and seas in the nexus: linking sustainable land management and the coastal and marine environments

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          Source URL: globalsoilweek.org

          Language: English - Date: 2015-04-14 03:50:13