Luis Moniz Pereira

Results: 6


“Manifesto” Luís Moniz Pereira 1 A Ciência traz valores importantes, formativos, de ginástica mental. E se as pessoas devem fazer exercício físico, também têm de se exercitar a pensar, a ter sentido crítico,

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Language: Portuguese - Date: 2004-12-15 07:39:50
    2Academia / Luis Moniz Pereira / Bernhard Nebel / Austin Tate / Alan Bundy / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers / European Conference on Artificial Intelligence / Artificial intelligence / Fellows of the British Computer Society / European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence

    CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Presented at the ECCAI General Assembly on 30 August 2006 at ECAI-2006, Riva del Garda, Italy. Founded in 1982, ECCAI currently represents 26 European societies for Artificial Intelligence and is now

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    Language: English
    3Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour / Science / Knowledge / Sarit Kraus / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers / Ai / European Conference on Artificial Intelligence / European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence / Artificial intelligence / Luis Moniz Pereira

    CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Presented at the ECCAI General Assembly on 23 July 2008 at ECAI-2008, Patras, Greece Founded in 1982, ECCAI currently represents 26 European societies for Artificial Intelligence and is now 26 years o

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    Language: English - Date: 2010-10-11 06:58:16
    4Fellows of the British Computer Society / Bernhard Nebel / Luis Moniz Pereira / Austin Tate / International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers / European Conference on Artificial Intelligence / Artificial intelligence / European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence / Academia

    CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Presented at the ECCAI General Assembly on 24 August 2007 at ACAI-2007, Leuven, Belgium. Founded in 1982, ECCAI currently represents 26 European societies for Artificial Intelligence and is now 25 yea

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    Language: English
    5European Conference on Artificial Intelligence / European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence / Luis Moniz Pereira / International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

    General Assembly Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal August 18, 2010, 18:00-21:00 ECCAI Board: Grigoris Antoniou, Hendrick Blockeel, Gerhard Brewka (Chair), MarieOdile Cordier (Vice-Chair), Patrick Doherty, Paolo Traverso Minute

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    Language: English - Date: 2010-10-18 08:15:36
    6Theoretical computer science / Stable model semantics / Modal logic / Answer set programming / Semantics / Well-founded semantics / Logic programming / Logic / Science

    Technical Communications of the International Conference on Logic Programming, 2010 (Edinburgh), pp. 134–143 TIGHT SEMANTICS FOR LOGIC PROGRAMS LUÍS MONIZ PEREIRA 1 AND AL

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    Language: English - Date: 2010-06-24 05:59:13