Results: 123

51Video cards / Video game hardware / CUDA / Nvidia / Advanced Encryption Standard / RSA / NTRU / AES instruction set / Key size / Cryptography / Graphics hardware / GPGPU

SSLShader: Cheap SSL Acceleration with Commodity Processors Keon Jang+ , Sangjin Han+ , Seungyeop Han* , Sue Moon+ , and KyoungSoo Park+ + KAIST *University of Washington

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Source URL: an.kaist.ac.kr

Language: English - Date: 2011-04-04 22:37:44
52Public key infrastructure / Digital signature / Password / Key / Man-in-the-middle attack / Cryptanalysis / NTRU / Index of cryptography articles / Web of trust / Cryptography / Key management / Public-key cryptography

The Future of Cryptography Practice and Theory Adam Young, Ph.D. Cigital, Inc[removed]Ridgetop Circle

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Source URL: www.cigital.com

Language: English - Date: 2013-11-26 20:44:05
53Post-quantum cryptography / Linear algebra / NTRUSign / GGH signature scheme / GGH encryption scheme / Lattice reduction / Lattice / Parallelepiped / Vector space / Cryptography / Algebra / Mathematics

Learning a Parallelepiped: Cryptanalysis of GGH and NTRU Signatures Phong Q. Nguyen?1 and Oded Regev??2 ´ CNRS & Ecole normale sup´erieure, DI, 45 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris, France.

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Source URL: www.iacr.org

Language: English - Date: 2008-09-15 01:06:09
54U-Prove / NTRU / Internet privacy / Crypt / Cryptography / Public-key cryptography / Cryptographic protocols

Attribute-Based Credentials for Trust D3.1 Scientific comparison of ABC protocols Part II: Practical comparison

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Source URL: abc4trust.eu

Language: English - Date: 2014-08-28 02:52:31
55Post-quantum cryptography / Standards organizations / Public-key cryptography / NTRU / ID-based encryption / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers / Pairing / Cryptography / IEEE standards / IEEE P1363

IEEE P1363.3: Standard for Identity-Based Cryptographic Techniques using Pairings CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS Contributions are requested for the IEEE P1363.3 project, "Standard for Identity-Based Cryptographic Techniques usin

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Source URL: grouper.ieee.org

Language: English - Date: 2008-04-27 09:53:33
56Key size / National Security Agency / Cryptanalysis / Elliptic curve cryptography / Communications security / Public-key cryptography / Py / Key / NTRU / Cryptography / Key management / Stream ciphers

Microsoft PowerPoint - preneel_chinacrypt_aug14_v1.pptx

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Source URL: homes.esat.kuleuven.be

Language: English - Date: 2014-08-28 01:07:14
57NTRU / Digital signature / Cryptosystem / NSA Suite B Cryptography / Elliptic curve cryptography / Cryptography / Elliptic Curve DSA / IEEE P1363

Cryptographic Hash Workshop

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Source URL: csrc.nist.gov

Language: English - Date: 2012-06-20 09:11:24
58Elliptic curve cryptography / Key size / Key / NTRU / IEEE P1363 / Integer factorization / Elliptic curve / Elliptic Curve DSA / Digital signature / Cryptography / Key management / Public-key cryptography

Elliptic Curve PKI An exploration of the benefits and challenges of a PKI based on elliptic curve cryptography Get this White Paper

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Source URL: entrust.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com

Language: English - Date: 2013-05-03 16:51:59
59Key management / Measurement / X9 / American National Standards Institute / U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission / NTRU / Trusted timestamping / Sarbanes–Oxley Act / BAI / Cryptography / Standards organizations / ASC X9

Memorandum regarding meeting with representatives of Information Assurance Consortium on S7-27-03

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Source URL: www.sec.gov

Language: English - Date: 2006-01-05 20:51:08
60CRYPTREC / Key management / Post-quantum cryptography / Elliptic Curve DSA / Integrated Encryption Scheme / NTRU / Elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman / Digital signature / RSA / Cryptography / Cryptography standards / Public-key cryptography

The CRYPTREC Policy to Evaluate the Submitted Public Key Systems October 10, 2001 Tsutomu Matsumoto Chair, Public-Key Subcommittee

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Source URL: www.ipa.go.jp

Language: English - Date: 2013-06-19 04:38:45