Penrose transform

Results: 10

1Shear zone / Transform fault / Thrust fault / Shear / Transpression / Fold / Earthquake / Puget Sound faults / Olympic-Wallowa Lineament / Geology / Structural geology / Fault

Geological Society of America 3300 Penrose Place P.O. Box 9140 Boulder, CO[removed]2020 • fax[removed]

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Language: English - Date: 2006-01-20 19:36:14
2Differential geometry / Complex manifolds / Holonomy / Differentiable manifold / Twistor space / Ricci curvature / Calabi–Yau manifold / Symmetric space / Penrose transform / Geometry / Theoretical physics / Physics

Twistor transform and instantons on CP 3 M. Verbitsky Twistor transform, instantons and rational curves

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Language: English - Date: 2012-09-29 07:45:54
3String theory / Integral geometry / Penrose transform / Twistor space / Instanton / Gauge theory / AdS/CFT correspondence / Superstring theory / Twistor theory / Physics / Quantum field theory / Theoretical physics

Motivation Supertwistors and Penrose-Ward transform Hidden Symmetry Algebras Conclusions and Outlook Supertwistors, Super Yang-Mills Theory and

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Language: English - Date: 2005-04-18 10:24:43
4Projective geometry / Riemann surfaces / Twistor space / Twistor theory / Penrose transform / Harmonic function / Riemann sphere / Hopf fibration / Harmonic map / Geometry / Topology / Mathematics


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Language: English - Date: 2004-05-17 12:19:14
5Complex manifolds / Algebraic topology / Differential topology / Integral geometry / Penrose transform / Twistor theory / Twistor space / Quaternion-Kähler manifold / Kähler manifold / Topology / Abstract algebra / Geometry

The Penrose transform and its applications

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Language: English - Date: 2010-11-14 10:09:14
6Twistor space / Penrose transform / Poisson manifold / Supersymmetry / Twistor theory / Physics / Mathematical analysis / Differential topology

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Language: English - Date: 2008-07-17 12:40:52
7Twistor theory / Complex manifolds / Twistor space / Knights Bachelor / Roger Penrose / Spacetime / General relativity / Riemann sphere / Penrose transform / Physics / Geometry / Quantum field theory

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Language: English - Date: 2009-12-11 05:57:44
8Partial differential equations / Penrose transform / Twistor theory / Logarithm / Holomorphic function / Bateman transform / Cauchy–Riemann equations / Mathematical analysis / Mathematics / Integral geometry

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Language: English - Date: 2002-02-28 20:25:14
9Twistor space / Twistor theory / Penrose transform / Independence / Methods of contour integration / Mathematical analysis / Complex analysis / Physics

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Language: English - Date: 2005-01-11 13:06:11
10Projective geometry / Riemann surfaces / Twistor space / Twistor theory / Penrose transform / Harmonic function / Riemann sphere / Hopf fibration / Harmonic map / Geometry / Topology / Mathematics

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Language: English