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Sistema de Información de Mercados de Productos Agrícolas de Honduras (SIMPAH) Reporte semanal de precios de venta de productos agrícolas* Mercado San Juan Ciudad Siguatepeque *Precios representan ventas para producto

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Language: Spanish - Date: 2015-06-16 18:00:12
    2Honduras / Tegucigalpa / San Pedro Sula / Lempira / Departments of Honduras / Siguatepeque /  Comayagua / Americas / Central America / Siguatepeque

    SIGUATEPEQUE The city was founded in 1,689. It has an area ofsquare kilometers and a population of approximately 90,000 inhabitants. Coming from Tegucigalpa (the capital city) on your way to San Pedro Sula, you wi

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    Language: English
    3Geography of Honduras / Hondurans / Honduras / Siguatepeque /  Comayagua / Demographics of Honduras / Americas / San Pedro Sula / Central America

    SAN PEDRO SULA Located in the northern part of Honduras, San Pedro Sula is only a few miles from the coast and has always played a major role in Honduran history. The city was founded on the 27th of June, 1536 by Don Ped

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    Language: English
    4Central America / El Progreso / Tegucigalpa / Comayagua Department / Matagalpa / Juticalpa /  Olancho / Siguatepeque / Yoro Department / Boaco / Americas / Geography of Honduras / Departments of Honduras

    Production and Market Flow Map: Honduras Second Season Red Beans MEXICO Key Market Centers (

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    Language: English - Date: 2013-11-22 22:04:48
    5Honduras / Tegucigalpa / Siguatepeque / Matagalpa / Comayagua Department / Comayagua / Boaco / Estelí / Americas / Central America / Geography of Honduras

    Production and Market Flow Map: Honduras First Season Red Beans MEXICO Key Market Centers (

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    Language: English - Date: 2013-11-22 22:04:47

    SOLICITUD DE ADMISION INSTITUTO MINISTERIO PASTORAL (IMP) Oficina de Admisión, MEDA ● Apartado Postal 199 ● Siguatepeque, Comayagua, Honduras ●

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    Language: Spanish - Date: 2012-12-18 11:14:55

      SOLICITUD DE ADMISION INSTITUTO DE MINISTERIO FEMENIL Oficina de Admisión, MEDA ● Apartado Postal 199 ● Siguatepeque, Comayagua, Honduras ● ([removed][removed], Fax[removed]

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      Language: Spanish - Date: 2012-12-18 11:11:57

        SOLICITUD DE ADMISION SEMINARIO MEDA PARA LA PREDICACION EXPOSITIVA (SEPE) Oficina de Admisión, SEPE ● Apartado Postal 199 ● Siguatepeque, Comayagua, Honduras ●

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        Language: Spanish - Date: 2012-12-18 11:14:48