Steady-state economy

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real-world economics review, issue no. 76 subscribe for free Another reason why a steady-state economy will not be a capitalist economy Ted Trainer

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- Date: 2016-09-30 07:36:39
    2Economics / Academia / Economy / Economic growth / Sustainability / Ecological economics / Economic theories / Economic development / Degrowth / Steady-state economy / Sustainable development / Uneconomic growth

    IMPLICATIONS OF ECONOMIC GROWTH THEORIES ON QUALITY LIFE FROM ROMANIAN RURAL AREA Authors TOFAN Alexandru, PhD. Professor, MIHAI Costica, PhD. Assistant Professor TALMACIU Mihai, PhD. Assistant Professor, BORZA Mioara, P

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    Language: English - Date: 2010-03-31 17:56:34
    3Social inequality / Economy / Income distribution / Academia / Distribution of wealth / Economic globalization / Economic inequality / Libertarian theory / Steady state / RamseyCassKoopmans model / Economics / Structure

    Review of Economic Studies, 369–393 c 2003 The Review of Economic Studies Limited$02.00

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    Language: English - Date: 2006-03-02 14:18:53
    4Thermodynamic entropy / Economics / Physics / Economic growth / Information theory / Statistics / Philosophy of thermal and statistical physics / Economic indicators / Entropy / Tsallis entropy / Endogenous growth theory / Steady-state economy

    CEFAGE Working PaperGrowth without scale effects due to entropy

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    Language: English - Date: 2016-05-09 10:07:02
    5Natural environment / Ecological economics / Biology / Sustainability / Natural resources / Industrial ecology / Schools of economic thought / Environmentalism / Sustainable development / Green economy / Sustainable agriculture / Steady-state economy

    ISEEConference Schedule June 26 to 29, 2016 Time Block ID Session ID Time June 26

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    Language: English - Date: 2016-06-19 08:40:09
    6Economics / Economy / Ecological economics / Natural environment / Natural resources / Industrial ecology / Economic growth / Capital / Steady-state economy / Economic system / Sustainability / Neoclassical economics

    Conference proceedings Institutional Change and Ecological Economics: Extending the Exploration of Human Ecology and Human

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    Language: English - Date: 2010-11-22 06:40:39
    7Sustainability / Ecological economics / Welfare economics / Economic growth / Economic indicators / Steady-state economy / Economic inequality / Degrowth / Uneconomic growth

    Arguments For and Against Economic Growth Jin Xue E-mail: 1. Economic System 3. Environmental Perspective

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    Language: English - Date: 2010-03-31 18:16:06
    8Demography / Economic growth / Demographic economics / Economic theories / Human overpopulation / Unified growth theory / Malthusian trap / Malthusianism / Thomas Robert Malthus / Malthusian equilibrium / Gross domestic product / Steady-state economy

    Entertaining Malthus: Bread, Circuses and Economic GrowthI Rohan Dutta1 , David K. Levine2 , Nicholas W. Papageorge3 , Lemin Wu4 Abstract Motivated by the basic adage that man does not live by bread alone, we offer a th

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    Language: English - Date: 2016-06-22 03:46:53
    9Thermodynamic entropy / State functions / Entropy / Exergy / Energy / Thermodynamic free energy / Steady-state economy / Heat / Heat death of the universe / Third law of thermodynamics

    I. NICHOLAS GEORGESCU ROEGEN 1. "Energy and Economic Myths" (Reprinted from Southern Economic Journal 41, no. 3, JanuaryHardly anyone would nowadays openly profess a belief in the immortality of mankind. Yet many

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    Language: English - Date: 2014-05-24 07:25:22
    10State functions / Philosophy of thermal and statistical physics / Economic growth / Entropy / Economics / Gross domestic product / Energy / Stock and flow / Productivity / Steady-state economy / Entropy in thermodynamics and information theory

    The Second Law of Economics: Energy, Entropy, and the Origins of Wealth Reiner Kummel ¨ Institute for Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, University of Wurzburg,

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    Language: English - Date: 2012-06-13 09:23:32