
Results: 4

1Physics / Quantum field theory / Theoretical physics / String theory / Supersymmetry / Gauge theories / SeibergWitten theory / Instanton / D-brane / Hyperelliptic curve / Supermultiplet / Algebraic curve

BRX-TH-463 BOW-PH-115 Tests of M-Theory from N = 2 Seiberg-Witten Theory 1

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Language: English - Date: 2000-03-16 09:32:54
2Particle physics / Quantum field theory / Supergravity / Moduli / Supermultiplet / Goldstino / Goldstone boson / Gauge theory / Physics beyond the Standard Model / Physics / Supersymmetry / Theoretical physics

PHYS-F-417 Introduction to Supersymmetry - Exercises 1. BPS supermultiplets Derive the representations of the superalgebra with N > 1 supersymmetries and central extensions: ¯ Jα˙ } = 2σ µ Pµ δ IJ , {QIα , Q

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Language: English - Date: 2011-12-23 08:13:18
3Quantum field theory / Supersymmetric quantum mechanics / Supergravity / Gravitino / String theory / Superspace / Supermultiplet / Spin / Supercharge / Physics / Supersymmetry / Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

BULLETIN (New Series) OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 39, Number 3, Pages 433–439

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Language: English - Date: 2010-01-14 12:37:47
4Supermultiplet / Superfield / Superspace / Chiral superfield / Moduli / Instanton / Coleman–Mandula theorem / Quantum field theory / Extended supersymmetry / Physics / Supersymmetry / Superpotential

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Language: English - Date: 2006-03-03 13:11:41